“This meeting could have been a hike”
Or a multi day backpacking trip in the mountains, an overlanding journey, … or some other kind of outdoor adventure. We use the outdoor to load our battery, as a place to escape to when it all becomes a bit much. At WARPED outdoor we believe the opportunity to do better work is to use the outdoor for work and not (just) to escape from it.
The office set-up has largely been unchallenged as the way to work. Just now during the pandemic people realized the office isn’t a necessary ingredient (which is great) only to resort to working from home, alone, as the alternative. And while the office escape is great, the solution isn’t you alone behind your computer all day either.
The out.work initiatives are tailor made to our clients, making sure they use the energy of the outdoor in the best possible way to deal with their challenge. But either way, you’ll be surprised about the result - the refreshing energy of being outside, the challenge of explaining a problem without slides, the difficulty of showing an idea with just a drawing. All while taking energy from the best source possible.
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interested in the idea of using the outdoor to solve a problem? let's discuss!